This course is co-curricular which means that the class meets during the school day and in addition; participation at off campus (virtual) tournaments is REQUIRED in order to pass the class. Mathematically, students can still pass the class if they do not attend the required number of tournaments, but they cannot receive an A. Students, who do not attend any tournaments, cannot pass the class.
1. First year or “Novice” Students must attend 4 tournaments first semester. Returning or “Varsity” Students must attend 3 tournaments and judge at 1 novice tournament first semester.
2. Novices must complete at least 2 of the 4 tournaments during October, which is considered the “Novice Season” and at least 1 needs to be completed during November and/or December.
3. The tournament schedule can be found on our website, but is subject to change due to our team needs and tournament availability.
5. Two day tournaments only count as one tournament.
6. Tournaments begin on October 7th and take place every Saturday through December 16. The only exception is November 25; this is Thanksgiving weekend. Then the regular season second semester will begin January 6th and run through February 17th.
7. The typical tournament day is from 7:00 am-8:00pm. Students must attend the tournament until they are officially released from competing. October tournaments are shorter; they usually end by 4:00 pm.
7. Some Saturdays we attend more than one tournament in order to accommodate the large number of GW competitors, for example one in the Denver Metro area and one in Greeley or Fort Collins. Special requests to attend one tournament over another cannot be honored. We do our best to fit everyone in and balance out the team.
8. All tournaments will have a drop date attached to them, located in All drops from a tournament MUST be made before this date. After this date, a fee will be assed typically between $9-$12. This is because all tournaments require a fee per entry. GW pays for the fees, so when a student drops after the drop date, we ask they do their best to refund the school so we can continue to offer this amazing event free of charge for our local tournaments.
9.Unfortunately conflicts that occur during the year which suddenly make fulfilling tournament requirements difficult, cannot be used to negotiate down the number of tournaments a student needs to attend. Planning ahead is imperative!
1. First year or “Novice” Students must attend 4 tournaments first semester. Returning or “Varsity” Students must attend 3 tournaments and judge at 1 novice tournament first semester.
2. Novices must complete at least 2 of the 4 tournaments during October, which is considered the “Novice Season” and at least 1 needs to be completed during November and/or December.
3. The tournament schedule can be found on our website, but is subject to change due to our team needs and tournament availability.
5. Two day tournaments only count as one tournament.
6. Tournaments begin on October 7th and take place every Saturday through December 16. The only exception is November 25; this is Thanksgiving weekend. Then the regular season second semester will begin January 6th and run through February 17th.
7. The typical tournament day is from 7:00 am-8:00pm. Students must attend the tournament until they are officially released from competing. October tournaments are shorter; they usually end by 4:00 pm.
7. Some Saturdays we attend more than one tournament in order to accommodate the large number of GW competitors, for example one in the Denver Metro area and one in Greeley or Fort Collins. Special requests to attend one tournament over another cannot be honored. We do our best to fit everyone in and balance out the team.
8. All tournaments will have a drop date attached to them, located in All drops from a tournament MUST be made before this date. After this date, a fee will be assed typically between $9-$12. This is because all tournaments require a fee per entry. GW pays for the fees, so when a student drops after the drop date, we ask they do their best to refund the school so we can continue to offer this amazing event free of charge for our local tournaments.
9.Unfortunately conflicts that occur during the year which suddenly make fulfilling tournament requirements difficult, cannot be used to negotiate down the number of tournaments a student needs to attend. Planning ahead is imperative!